Hi all. I’ve posted some pictures below. I somehow previously left you a link to a Photobucket album with the same pictures, but the ones below have some included descriptions.
This is the outside of the flat I live in – you can see The Massage Center sign. The setup isn’t ideal, but it’s a place to put my head each night. Most importantly, it’s an unbelievably cheap place to put my head each night! Our address is 17 Dock Road – we’re right on the Galway docks.
This is looking back over the harbor to my flat. The harbor is typically filled with large ships that have docked in Galway for the night. I’ve yet to see one actually enter the harbor – I’m not sure how they come in, as the entrance is extremely small. A twenty-two point turn is my only guess.
the front entrance to nimmo’s
Again, Nimmo’s. It sits directly on the River Corrib. To the left of Nimmo’s is the Spanish Arch – built in 1584. The Arch actually has no association with the Spanish. It was originally part of the walls which protected the quays of Galway.
The Galway Cathedral.
This picture belongs on an Ireland postcard.

This picture was taken on my walk to Salthill last week. Amazing, I know.
I really don’t have much else to update you on. I worked all week. I’ve now started doing days at Ard Bia’s Cafe which results in a hectic schedule. Example: Yesterday, I worked 9 – 6 at the cafe and then 7 – 1 at Nimmos. The hours are good. I need to save the Eurs before I convert them all to Pounds – a conversion that will be about as bad as my conversion from USD to Eurs. But, once I start earning Pounds Sterling, I’ll be set for the rest of my traveling.
Oh, and Mom, Happy Birthday! I miss you and send all my love from Ireland. xo
cheers all,
As always the photos are GREAT – especially the sunset and the “postcard” ready one. There are some that will surely need to be framed:)!!