During my recent trip backpacking in Bali, I spent much of my time exploring the island from behind the wheels of my very own rented motorbike. It was an excellent, albeit slightly terrifying way to see the island.
From Kuta’s traffic-clogged streets to central Bali’s deserted, steep, and potholed filled tracks through the dense jungle, I was constantly challenged yet very in tune with my surroundings.
It was an ideal way to get around Bali and I can’t imagine my experience would have been anywhere near the same had I relied on public transport.

Two quick words of warning regarding the video.
First, at just over 11 minutes, it’s arguably too long. Yet based on much of the feedback I received, a 10 minute long video is watchable assuming you’re entertained throughout. With quick scene changes, a mix of dialogue and views of what I’m seeing, and some interesting facts throughout, I think this works.
Second, as I’m traveling solo, I didn’t have anyone alongside shooting the footage. Everything except the last scene was self-shot. The result? Some scenes are bumpier than others. This was inevitable with a shaking hand and a bouncing motorbike – I hope you can see past it.
I know I shouldn’t bring light to potential faults in the video – yet, I’d prefer you were aware going in.
Grab a coffee, a beer, or a glass of wine and enjoy …
Exploring Bali – A Backpackingmatt.com Travel Video
0:50 – I visit the Sacred Monkey Forest to see Long Tailed Macaques just outside of Ubud – see the monkeys and learn about their place in Balinese culture.
4:40 – I visit a “Bali Drive-Through” for some street food.
5:21- While pulled over to check the GPS on my iPhone, I receive a traditional Hindu blessing from a local woman.
7:00 My experience at a traditional Bali cockfight deep in the jungle.
8:15 – Heavy rain forces me off the road and into a warung for some Nasi Goreng.
8:40 – While thinking I’m lost on jungle road in a rainstorm, I nearly crash my motorbike.
9:40 – After passing through small villages seemingly in the middle of nowhere, I reflect on the kindness of the people I’ve met before coming across another small village.
Thanks for watching. Please leave your feedback – good and bad – in the comments section below.
Great video! You should upload more!
@Eugenia – Thanks! I will try to going forward, they take heaps of time to film and then edit – I really enjoy it though. I need to invest in a new camera.
Awesome video Matt! I’m jealous, it looks like you are having a great time and what a wicked experience to have that lady stop you and bless you! (at least I hope thats what she was doing haha) Keep pumping out the videos! I want to see more more more! Also for filming yourself all the time you should look into getting an XShot! It’s a great help when trying to film yourself and getting other things in the background at the same time. Also surprisingly the further you have the camera from your body the less shaky it can be 🙂 There is a link for the xshot on my site.
@Cailin You rock. Thanks so much for the feedback today – much appreciated.
Awesome video! The length was just fine, and you did a great job filming it on your own.
@Dave Thanks for the comment — I’m glad you found the length okay as well as my questionable filming! 🙂
I loved the video, Matt. I didn’t even notice the length – like you said, as long as it’s engaging and entertaining, the length doesn’t matter so much. Good job!
I laughed at your “yes, I’m wearing a pink helmet” comment. And those bashful kids at the end are absolutely adorable.
Your video skills keep improving with each one! Keep ’em coming!
@Amanda Really glad you enjoyed it and the length was okay. More to come in the coming months!
Great vid – especially liked the scenes from the bike from Lovina to Medewi — what better shot to close with than a board on the beach. Nice work.
Cheers for the comment Stuart – glad you enjoyed the video. Medewi Beach was a pretty epic spot to finish my stay – especially at sunrise. Probably my favorite spot in Bali.
Ok, I totally had to fast forward through the cockfight scenes, but the rest of it was awesome! You did a great job of narrating. And, I now want a pet monkey.
@Brooke Fair enough you fast forwarded through the cockfight scenes .. glad you enjoyed the rest though. Thanks for watching!
Great video and well filmed on the scooter! Slightly crazy if you ask me and i may have chuckled at you getting soaked for your efforts.
Nice to see you smiling even when lost. I am everso slightly jealous as i sit here thinking about NZ and Thailand! (Its sooo cold here)
Love the sound track again… Catchafire rule!
Keep up the good work and have fun
@Dave Thanks for watching mate! You’ll be on a scooter with Meli in Thailand before you know it! And don’t worry, I’ll be in the cold of Iowa in a week!
I think you’ve spent far too much time in NZ! You’ve totally lost you’re American accent lol. Great video man. Awesome job on the editing as well.
@Michael So they say! Blame it on four months in Ireland, ten in the UK, and 12 in New Zealand I guess! Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the feedback on the editing. It’s heaps of bloody work! 🙂
Matt, so sad you have to go back USA. What are your plans know? Visit Sudamerica and Argentina?
@Eugenia – I’ll be excited to head back for a month or so! It’s been over a year since I’ve been there. Looks like I’ll be headed back to NZ sooner or later.
Loved loved loved this video! I didn’t want it to end. Loved the pink helmet. 😉
@Andi Glad you enjoyed it — and yes, that was some helmet eh?! Thanks for the comment!
I have to say you are quite ballsy for operating a camera and driving in scooter in Bali – even with the pink helmet. 😛
I also have to agree with Michael, you definitely picked up an accent! <3
@Erica – I only took the camera out when I was out of the busy streets of Kuta and Ubud — yes, slightly ballsy nonetheless!
@Heather Glad you enjoyed the video – despite the length! I agree; videos are a great way to get a different feel for where people are traveling to. I’d like to utilize them more, however they are require a lot more time!
I heard a “heaps” in there 🙂 Love it!
Liked the video a lot, Matt! I don’t mind the length at all. In the last week I’ve enjoyed seeing videos from several fellow tweeps and travelers I’ve met and it’s nice to see what people are doing after reading about the adventures.
Keep it up.
Fantastic video Matt. Really want to see more of these on BackpackingMatt.com!
@Amar Thanks for the feedback & the email mate. Glad you enjoyed it.
Great video! You keep looking behind you around the 2:39 mark – I don’t blame you (I’d be afraid of a monkey landing on my head too!). Consider uploading this video on Tripfilms.com – they love new content like this. Looking forward to more!
@Dina I was worried one would jump on my shoulder! Thanks for the link, checking out Tripfilms now.
did you wear the pink helmet at the cock fight? you should have brought the monkey to the cock fight – that would have rocked!
@Scott I’ll bring a pink helmet back to NZ for you – it’s compliment that school girls outfit you like mountain biking in quite well!
Wow! I’m impressed you can escape from – the pretend to be the guide – scammer in the Monkey Forest. Me, Indonesian, couldn’t escape from them, they kept tailing us and that made us pay them $5.
But Great Video anyway. Love the music background, what’s the title?
@Anis Thanks for the compliment! I actually didn’t run into the guides you mentioned. The song is “Got to Get Away” by Katchafire, a NZ based band.
Hey Matt! Awesome video tour. Brought back alot of good memories. Bali has been one of my favorite places and I can’t wait to get back later this year. Cheers!
@Matt Glad you enjoyed the video … I had an absolute blast putting it together and loved Bali. Can’t wait to return!
what do you think about nasi goreng? all my ‘bule’ friends like nasi goreng… I don’t like nasi goreng actually…
Loved your video; I am going on my 3rd trip to Bali (from Idaho) in February and am considering renting a motorbike. I’ve always hired a driver but I’ve always had my kids with me. This time, I am going alone to a retreat in Ubud and since I’ve seen all of the “highlights’ of Bali already, I want to really experience the people and culture. Do you have any advice about renting scooters? Was it difficult to learn how to use one? Do you think a 44 year old woman (who is a very fit, savvy traveler) would be ok with renting one?
@Lisa Thanks for the feedback- delighted you enjoyed the video. I absolutely think you’ll be fine hiring a scooter. This said, far too many tourists (and locals alike) rent scooters to explore Bali or elsewhere in SE Asia and end up with injuries after crashing. Use common sense – avoid the traffic clogged streets of Kuta if possible, take it slow and always wear a helmet. I recommend long pants too to protect you in case of a fall. As far as hiring goes, there is no shortage of places to rent — just be sure you’ve any pre-existing damage noted before you leave. The longer the rental the more discount you should be able to arrange. Enjoy!
I loved this Bali Video, especially the footage of the monkey forest! It’s so hard to keep the background interesting and narrate and film yourself simultaneously.
I also like the narrative style and length and the way it’s broken up into chapters.
We make videos of a similar length and I’m always wondering if they’re too long, but your videos really held my interest throughout. Bali is now on my must travel list thanks to your video portrait.
@Emily Thanks heaps, glad you enjoyed the video. I worried it would be too long and considered splitting it up into a two or three video series. The next time I do a video, one thing I’ll change is adding more footage with just me talking in the background. No reason I have to be on camera the entire time!
It was a great, authentic video, but it was a little hard to focus on at times. Quite understandably too! It looked like a rough road.
And mad respect for renting the scooter and driving it around Bali. I used to have a scooter here in Taiwan, and the things are a bloody menace. I’m glad you survived the trip.
It was also interesting that the scenery reminded me of Jamaica (the reggae tune certainly helped), but the foliage and the mountains, even the degree of the potholes, all brought me right back to my last trip overseas. Now I can’t wait till my Bali trip! (Next year, fingers crossed.)
Thanks for making the video, and safe travels to you!
Cheers for the feedback Dan, glad you enjoyed