I’m not entirely certain how it has already been two weeks since my last post. Where has the month of April gone? Thanks to those of you who keep checking back … my apologies for the lack of reading material lately.
Spring is beginning to take hold here in Edinburgh. There have been more nice days than rainy days in the past week. Something I’m not entirely used to.
So. Whats the latest? Well. You’ll maybe be excited to know that I’ve decided what to do with my life come the end of June. Actually, thats me being sarcastic. I haven’t the faintest idea. What I do know is this. As of Saturday morning, I no longer live in my wee Thistle Street flat. Brian and I moved across town to a flat where we knew some guys who were moving out. Other working holiday lads … two Americans and a Canadian. Still a one bedroom, but significantly bigger than my old flat – plus, we have bunk beds. And a microwave.
Speaking of bunk beds. This is where my parents will be staying when they come to visit. I cannot wait to see them. We don’t really have much for plans, but I’m sure it’ll be a terrific two weeks. I imagine we’ll do some things in and around Edinburgh for the first week or so (this way, I can still work evenings), and then either head to the Highlands of Scotland … or catch a cheap flight to mainland Europe. Who knows.
Also, I have a quick story that again shows how amazingly small this world is. I was working at the pub the other night when this group of Americans came in. Ten or so of them … I think they were in Edinburgh on some sort of business. One of the gents came to the bar and said to me sarcastically, “That’s quite the Scottish accent you have. Where are you from?”
After finding out where I was from, he informed me there was a lady at his table who he believed was from Iowa as well. Indeed she was. She came up to talk with me and I told her I grew up in Southwest Iowa. It ends up she lived in Adair (twenty miles away). “What is your last name,” she inquired.
“Kyhnn,” I told her.
“No kidding. Is your dad by chance Mark Kyhnn? He did my taxes for twenty years.”
What are the chances?!
I have some pictures for you all below.

me, posting to my blog in the Newcastle Airport, drinking a Newcastle Brown Ale

view of the irish countryside as I was arriving to cork … in three months i managed to forget how unbelievably green the irish landscape is

kinsale, ireland

irish pub of the year, 2004

note to self

when I was leaving ireland, i had a 12 hour layover at the dublin airport. i didn’t really want to spend the day in the busy city of dublin, so a caught a bus to this small, seaside, suburb north of the city. terrific place to spend the day.

Now. Onto pictures of my new town. Edinburgh.

a rather unimpressive view of the edinburgh castle

view of the city from atop calton hill

arthur’s seat

bottom of the royal mile … the high street in edinburgh. it stretches approximately one (go figure) mile. at the top, you have the edinburgh castle. at the bottom, you have hollyrood palace – which is where the queen stays when in scotland.

a loch in the area surrounding arthurs seat

view of the firth of forth from the top of arthurs seat

Thistle Street. You can see the entrance to the pub on the right. I lived about five doors down.
Below are pictures of my old flat. There are only three. The flat wasn’t very big!

stay well, mk.