Today’s Monday Escape takes you to sunny Kaikoura, found on New Zealand’s South Island south of the world famous Marlborough wine region.
It’s a beautiful spot for a town – tucked between the sea on one side and the rugged Seaward Kaikoura Range on the other. Kaikoura translates to kai – food and koura – crayfish and was once known soley for the crayfish (lobster) which were caught off its coast. Today, Kaikoura is a tourist mecca for those who want see and swim with dolphins, whales, seals, and other marine life.

The road north and south of Kaikoura slowly meanders its way along the seaside. It’s a jaw dropping ride, so allow plenty of time to stop and take in the views.

I only had a short day to spend in Kaikoura, so was unable to sample the tours which make the town famous. Stay tuned to Backpackingmatt in the coming weeks for my take on the whale-watching and dolphin-swimming experience.