An ideal backpacking trip will take in both stunning scenery, world culture and history, and city life. Some of the top backpacking destinations in the world offer an unbeatable combination of urban life and jaw-dropping scenery.
New Zealand has Auckland, the ‘City of Sails’, and also the most diverse range of landscapes anywhere in the world.
Thailand has the chaotic, polluted, yet strangely addictive city of Bangkok and some of the world’s most pristine beaches.
One of the great ways to experience the world is through its greatest cities – these destinations contain the very best culture and allow you to explore iconic sights, take in great museums, and treat yourself to world-class cuisine.
Here are 5 cities you should visit on your RTW backpacking trip:
1) London

London is one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world and is home to a staggering array of cultures, cuisines and tourist attractions. Shows here are as captivating and exciting as Londoners themselves, yet you don’t need to buy a ticket to experience the city – simply walk through its streets, dine in its historic pubs and take in the multicultural atmosphere of this buzzing metropolis.
2) Shanghai

Shanghai is one of China’s most modern cities and well worth visiting. Ultra-posh shops and restaurants exist for the elite in the city’s world class business district directly beside more traditional manifestations of Chinese culture. For a taste of the old head to Yuyuan Gardens, for the new look no further than Pearl Tower.
3) Rio de Janeiro

Rio is the rising star on this list: as the future host of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics, it is clearly on the way up. The best time to visit is during Carnival when the city erupts into a huge party dominated by parades of local samba schools. Rio is worth visiting at all times as it is home to gorgeous sites and a lively music scene.
4) Barcelona

Barcelona is both a classic European city and top backpacking destination in Spain. This beautiful city is best explored by wandering its gorgeous streets and sampling the food in local cafes. A great time to visit it is during the Festes de la Mercè on September 24 when the city teems with hundreds of dazzling shows celebrating local and Spanish culture.
5) Toronto

Toronto is one of the most overlooked cities in the world and boasts a level of multiculturalism comparable to London. There is a thriving Canadian music scene that is ground-breaking and folksy at the same time. Also don’t miss out on its restaurants, as it is home to some marquee establishments as well as the best Asian food in Canada.
Do you have a favorite city that didn’t make the list? Leave your top picks for city breaks in the comments section below.
This is probably the toughest list to come up with but I def wouldn’t have toronto on this list… where is NYC? Toronto is little NYC
@WanderingTrader I hoped to pick cities that may not typically make a RTW trip – NYC is well worn into the RTW backpacking trail so I kept it off the list.
in no particular order:
angkor wat, cambodia
copenhagen, denmark
geneva, switzerland
vancouver, canada
sydney, australia
Good list–Can’t miss Sydney tho! Amazing city with endless things to do (beaches, night life, operah house, darling harbor, The Rocks…….)
@Steve I do love Sydney – I’ve written about it heaps and can’t wait to go back.
Difficult list to come up with!! Some great cities though…
Global Basecamps latest blog: Vietnam: It’s Complicated
I like the cities you chose, but only five is SOOO hard. You’d also have some expensive flights hitting up ALL those. The North American places I’d say you have to visit would be Vancouver, Chicago, Toronto, New York. But, that’s already four. hehe. I guess I just can’t pick!
It must be so hard to pick only five but I think you have come up with an interesting choice here. A nice representation of different cultures.
My favourite city is NYC but, hey, it must have made so many ‘must visit’ lists that you have got to give a chance to a few others.
@Merav Thanks for the compliment – definitely wouldn’t include Auckland on the list! 😉
Berlin!! Someone said to me that ‘Paris will always be Paris, but Berlin is always changing, it’s new every time’. It’s true. Love it. Cheers!
@Gillian I’ve heard fantastic things about Berlin, unfortunately I missed out on visiting when I was in Germany.
I visited 2 of these cities on my RTW, not bad! (We skipped Europe due to the cost)
I’d definitely add Moscow to that list. For me, it may not be a fascinating city at all, but I think it’s always quite an experience for a foreigner entering the country.
Being from Toronto I have to say that while I love my city I would not put it on the list, it’s very difficult to get into as a tourist.
NYC should definitely replace it.
Cool, I’ve got three of the five down already. Although, I don’t really remember Toronto because I was rather young then. Guess I should go again.
Great list. It’s interesting to read about the cities that have left a lasting impression on our fellow travellers. Nice one Matt.
Great list! I definitely agree that Barcelona should be one of the top choices, and coincidentally it’s the only city out of the 5 I’ve been to (though I’m going to London this summer, woot).
I’d also add San Francisco… perhaps smaller than the others, but the culture and character are fantastic!
@Christy Haven’t been to San Francisco … but I may be flying out of there this week. Hopefully I’ll have time to look around!
Looks like I need to get to Toronto! The other four are obsessions of mine, so we clearly have the same taste.
@Abby You obviously have GREAT taste! 🙂
I definitely agree with London–it’s such a fascinating, diverse, and historic place! I’m absolutely dying to go to Rio. It looks so exotic and beautiful!
This is a tough list. I would have expanded to 10 to include Tokyo, NYC, Ho Chi Minh, Paris and maybe Buenos Aires.
I would recommend, Cape Town, Mumbai, Phnom Penh, Quito and New York. Why not also look at volunteering abroad on your RTW trip to experience the real culture.
Happy Travelling!
Gap Year Guru
I’m really happy to see Toronto on the list. I’ve just moved here on a working holiday visa and I’ve fallen in love with the place. I think it’s very underrated in that it’s not a particularly touristy city. But it’s got a vibe which I just love and there’s actually just so much to do here!
A little sorry that my hometown of Sydney missed out though 🙁
I think my personal list of the most incredible cities I’ve visited would be Moscow, Istanbul, Buenos Aires, New York City and Madrid (yes – over Barcelona)
Awesome! Thanks for including Toronto, our hometown. We love it there, but we are a little bias. You know what, our restaurants are second to none. I’ve been all over the world and I love dining in T.O.
I’m glad you put Shanghai on the list. That was the coolest city I have ever seen. It blew me away. China is moving up there as one of our favourite destinations. The longer I am away, the more I am liking it too!
Damn, I haven’t been to ANY of these cities! I gotta get movin’! Nice list Matt, and what the hell is up with that human tower in Barcelona? I’d give you twenty bucks to be the guy standing on the top of that thing!
@Eli I’ll have to pass on your offer – not the biggest fan of heights! Hope all is well wherever you are in SE Asia.
I like your list but I’m surprised you put Toronto on the list! It’s my hometown so I can be a bit biased, but to me, it lacks the charm other places have. I hardly ever see any backpackers here, and most locals are all too overworked to travel. It’s expensive, and the nightlife isn’t that great.
A Canadian city I would recommend however, is Montreal. It’s multicultural, has a vibrant arts scene, cheap eats, great nightlife, and everyone there is so friendly! It’s a great way to experience “Canada” with a European flair at the same time!
@Michelle I’ve not visited Montreal though have heard it’s a lovely city – very multicultural as you said. Interesting your opinion that Toronto should have remained off the list. You and @Ayngelina come in together while @Dave&Deb and @Claire are stoked to have Toronto listed. Like much of travel, our experiences and outlooks on specific destinations will never be the same – though I’d argue that adds to the excitement in the journey.
Totally dig your top 2…hope to get to the other three someday!
I’m ashamed to say I have only been to one of these; London!
I think I may have to do a blog post response to this.
@Amar Looking forward to reading the post!
Great list of RTW hot spots but I would have to say NY has to be wedged in there, muscling out either London or Toronto.
@Josh NYC is great and without a doubt makes most backpackers’ RTW trip – just thought these were a unique selection of spots to consider.
I love Barcelona! I was there for a week last summer and went to the market near my friend’s house in Barcelonetta every morning. People have said Barcelona is dangerous, but just like in most big cities, only in the tourist areas like Las Ramblas. And even if it is a little dangerous, it’s worth it!!!! 🙂
Barcelona is a really amazing city, I loved it! I would have added Sydney to the list though, but lists like this are always open for lots of discussions 🙂
@Tijmen Sydney is fantastic .. and yes arguable should have made the list!
Lived in Toronto for couple years and I like the city, but it no way would be in my five top. From Canadian cities I probably would include Vancouver or Montreal.
looks like i need to get planning another RTW trip…oh NO! 🙂
Ack – I’m maybe only going to get to two of those on this trip. I’ve already been to the other three, so I guess that’s okay. None of these are places I would consider especially backpacker budget friendly, however….
I would definitely include Berlin: great culture, awesome underground clubbing and dirt cheap. Or go even further and visit Eastern Europe, where I recommend Budapest or Bukarest.
And in Asia I would recommend Kuala Lumpur, due to its perfect airport making it a perfect location for a minitrips through SEA (Indonesia, Thailand and Singapur). Of course, not to forget the great local food and multicultural atmosphere.
Awesome list! I certainly plan to do a RTW trip in the next few years.. luckily I’ve been to two of these cities, and live in one (Toronto)! I’ll definitely be sure to check out the other two when the time comes.
Great post :]
@Seattle Good luck planning your RTW trip – thanks for the comment!
LOVE that you included Toronto on the list.
Buenos Aires and Rome!!
Nice list!
I’m from Barcelona and that tower is called Castellers and it’s Catalan culture.
Barcelona is not dangerous… there are a lot of pickpockets but if you are aware nothing is gonna happen.. they are not agressive or violent just skilled 😉
I’ve been to three of those…. but I would not put Toronto on the list! Torontonians are the only Canadians who like Toronto 😛
you should have named this list the 5 most expensive cities to visit on your ATW trip.
Also, Toronto? Come on.
After traveling and working in 27 countries on 4 continents my favorite cities are Buenos Aires, NYC, Barcelona, Bogota, Chiang Mai, Cuzco and Vientiane, Laos. Visit them all and let me know what you think. Each one is bursting with culture, great food, and wonderful people – in fact I need to go to Thailand now just thinking about the barbecued catfish and pad thai for $1 each on the street. Go and go now!